2012년 4월 2일 월요일

The passover-World mission Society Church of God(wmscog)

The Passover of Christ is once a year -World mission Society Church of God(wmscog)

When we see this world there are so many disasters , plagues , wars. But we know that it is impossible to escape through men's power. Then, What should we do? Just seeing? 
The answer is passoverMany people are not familiar with Passover and those who know about call it the Jewish Passover. 3500 years ago Jehovah God commanded the Israelites to keep the Passover by slaughtering a lamb and those who kept it were saved from the destruction. Christ Ahnsahnghong is Jehovah God and Jesus christ. 
Nowadays there is only one church which keeps the Passover in the whole world . That is the world mission society Church of God(wmscog).
This year, April 5. Come to world mission society Church of God(wmscogand receive salvation and eternal life from Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother.

Jesus Christ came 2,000 years ago and he commanded his disciples to keep the Passover, not killing a lamb but by eating his flesh and his blood for he came as the Passover lamb for the forgiveness of sins.

1Corinthians 5:7 Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast—as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.

Jesus Christ made this Passover an everlasting covenant for his children; that include us, Christians. Christ kept Passover as an example not only for the disciples but also for us, if we don’t keep the Passover we can’t receive Eternal Life, therefore we can’t go to Heaven.

John 6:53 Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.

Only on the night of the Passover Jesus said this bread is my body and this wine is my blood (Matthew 17:26-28). But when in AD325 by the Council of Nicaea Constantine abolished the Passover, he instituted Communion, but such thing is not in the Bible, is not part of the teachings from Christ but from men. Passover disappeared and that’s when everyone started keeping what they thought it was Passover and keeping it whenever they wanted.

We have 850 denominations and each follows as they please, some keep Communion, others Eucharist or the Holy supper. Some keep it every week, others once a month and others every 6 months. Not only has the name been changed but also a date. God already gave an appointed time to the Passover.

Leviticus 23:4 " 'These are the LORD's appointed feasts, the sacred assemblies you are to proclaim at their appointed times: The LORD's Passover begins at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month.’ "

By sacred calendar the Passover is to be kept on January 14th at twilight (sunset) not whenever we want for we can’t change Gods commands, it is only once a year. Does it matter the date? YES! GOD SAID! We can’t take his words lightly we have to do as he said.
Exodus 13:10 You must keep this ordinance at the appointed time year after year.

Please consider the Passover, it’s for our salvation. Nowadays we keep the Passover because of our Father Christ Ahnsahnghong, he is the 2nd Coming Christ who brought back the Passover.
Please! Come to Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother !

Christ Ahnsahnghong built World mission society church of God(wmscog) in 1964.

Thanks to God the father, Christ Ahnsahnghong! God the Mother!

2012년 3월 30일 금요일

The Last Plagues and the Passover -World Mission Society Church of God(wmscog)

The Last Plagues and the Passover -World Mission Society Church of God(wmscog)

Last year, earthquake happened in Japan. Due to the earthquake, countless people died. It is unprecedented earthquake. However disaster has not finished yet, just beginning. 
Are you preparing Asylum? What do you do in the middle of no where?
I'll give you answer.That is passover. For that reason, Passover is very important to members of World mission society church of God(wmscog). On that day, Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother give us promise-eternal life. 2000 years ago, Jesus also promised and 3500 years ago Jehovah also did. The key is passover. 
In this age, only God the Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother can give us salvation.
It is only through the Passover that we can be saved from God's last plagues.

Matt. 24:37-39 『"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."』

1 Thess. 5:1-3 『Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.』

The most urgent thing now is for us to listen to the news of salvation.
Let's study the verses in the Bible that show us how we can escape the last disaster.
The earth will surely meet its doomsday, either by a world war or by God's mighty power.
There are many prophecies in the Bible concerning the end of the age.
Whoever absolutely believes and follows the prophecies will be saved.
If anyone does not believe the message of salvation, he cannot obtain eternal life, even though he may try to seek salvation by his own means (such as making an underground shelter, going to another planet by rocket, fleeing to a peaceful country, or hiding himself within an atomic submarine under a North Pole iceberg).
These are merely temporary methods to hide from danger.
In regard to this, some prophets prophesied as follows:

Zeph. 1:18 『Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them on the day of the LORD's wrath.』

Amos 9:2-4 『"Though they dig down to the depths of the grave, from there my hand will take them. Though they climb up to the heavens, from there I will bring them down. Though they hide themselves on the top of Carmel, there I will hunt them down and seize them. Though they hide from me at the bottom of the sea, there I will command the serpent to bite them. Though they are driven into exile by their enemies, there I will command the sword to slay them. I will fix my eyes upon them for evil and not for good."』

Now, the time has come to study and to follow the way of salvation, according to God's guidance, displayed in the prophecies of the Bible, instead of seeking man's ways.
In order to give salvation to those who believe in the prophecies, God has allowed the history of ancient times as a shadow, revealing what will happen in the end of the age.

Ex. 12:12-14 『"On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn―both men and animals―and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD. The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt. This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the LORD―a lasting ordinance."』

In Hebrews 11:28, it is written, "By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel." This means that no destructive plague was brought upon the houses where the blood of the Passover lamb had been sprinkled, because it became a sign.
God's last plagues will be brought upon this sinful world.
At that moment, who on earth can escape?

Can't the people who have the blood of Jesus, who have celebrated the Passover, escape? The power of the Passover will be revealed when the last plagues are brought upon the earth.
Those who have not celebrated the Passover will regret it, and they will face God's wrath and punishment.

This year, the date of passover is April 5. Come to World mission society church of God(wmscog) and keep the passover. 

Christ Ahnsahnghong built World mission society church of God(wmscog) in 1964.

Thanks to God the father, Christ Ahnsahnghong! God the Mother!

2012년 3월 27일 화요일

The passover, the promise that never changes!-World mission society church of God(wmscog)

The passover, the promise that never changes!-World mission society church of God(wmscog)

These days, there are a lot of disasters. There are no exceptions to anyone. 
Then, how? 
The only solution is the passover which God has promised. 
Let's keep the passover! That's very easy! Please~~~~

Come to World mission society church of God(wmscog) and keep the passover. Then you'll get the eternal life from Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother!

Christ Ahnsahnghong built World mission society church of God(wmscog) in 1964.

Thanks to God the father, Christ Ahnsahnghong! God the Mother!

2012년 3월 26일 월요일

The Passover that the way to be saved from the disasters-world mission society Church of God(wmscog)

The Passover that the way to be saved from the disasters 

-world mission society Church of God(wmscog)
- Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother

These days, there are so many disasters such as earthquake, car accident, Terrorism and so on. The problem is nobody can't assure their own living, nobody has perfect avoid. Then, what should we do? The answer is passover, keep the passover.
For that reason world mission society Church of God(wmscog) keep the passover.  Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother give us eternal life and protect us from disaster through the passover.
This year, the date of passover is April 5. 

Go to world mission society Church of God(wmscog) and keep the passover together! 
And more,  let's study about history of passover deeply.
B.C. 1498. Israelites who were slave for 430 years came out of Egypt On the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight by sacred calander.

On that day there was the disaster - every firstborn both men and animals died.
But God protected his people, Israelites , from disaster through the Passover and then they could come out of Egypt according to the lead of Moses.

The bible says that the old testament is prophecy that teaches us.(Rom 15:4)
Just like in old testament Israelites could be saved by keeping the Passover , When we keep the Passover we can be saved from any disasters. 

And then we can also find out the history that Israelites was protected by keeping the Passover in the time of king Hezekiah . 
Assyriah which is the most powerful nation at that time destroyed North Israel and attacted south Judah.
But South Jadah won and did not be harmed at that time because they kept the Passover. (2Chr 30,2king 19)

Likewise the passover is not the way to escape disaster only certain time , God promise that whenever he will give salvation to God's people who keep the passover.

Then what is diffrent between the old testament Passover and New testament Passover.   

In the old testament Israelites kept the passover with Lamb. But we who are living in the New testament keep the passover with the bread and wine.God promised that the bread and the wine of the passover is the flesh and the blood of Jesus Christ(Mt26:26) and Through that God promised us the eternal life. (Jn 6:54)

But the Passover is known as " the Last Supper " by many people.
But many people do not know that this scene as the passover.
The passover is the truth that is fogotten and is not being keeping .
Even people are believing in God to receive the salvation , but They don't know when is Passover that God gave us for our salvation. 

God said that " I tell you the truth , until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear form the Law unitil everything is accomplished.  "

Therefore God will surely accompish this prophecy also that is about the Passover God promised with us giving the salvation and eternal life through.

The 2,200 branches of the World mission Society Church of God(wmscog)  keep the Passover on April 5. This is present from Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother.

Christ Ahnsahnghong built World mission society church of God(wmscog) in 1964.

Thanks to God the father, Christ Ahnsahnghong! God the Mother!

2012년 3월 22일 목요일

The Passover, the Way to Eternal life-World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG)

The Passover, the Way to Eternal life-World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG)

According to the Bible, the Passover is the only way to have eternal life. Many people think they don't have to keep it. Which of the two is right before God, to keep the Passover or not? We must remember to judge everything by the Bible, not human standards, religious traditions, or popular opinion.
To make the right decision, we should study who commanded us to keep the Passover. We must observe it if it is God's commandment in the Bible. Also, we must not keep it when it is not in the Bible. For that reason, the saints of World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) keep the passover. Becuase the bible testifies it and Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother also teach and keep the passover
In this year, the date of passover is April 5. 

Ex 12:10-14 It is the LORD's Passover. … you shall celebrate it as a festival to the LORD―a lasting ordinance.
Who commanded the Israelites to keep the Passover in the Exodus? (God) The Israelites were blessed and delivered out of Egypt when they celebrated the Passover as God commanded.
Mt 26:19, 28 This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
Who commanded that Jesus' disciples should keep the Passover in the Bible? (Jesus) Jesus' disciples were blessed and delivered out of their sins when they celebrated the Passover as Jesus commanded.
Why did Jesus, God(Christ Ahnsahnghong), command us to keep the Passover?

Jn 6:53-54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life.
Lk 22:20 This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me … This cup is the new covenant in my blood which is poured out for you.
Jesus said that "no one" would have eternal life without eating His flesh and drinking His blood through the Passover. The Passover of the new covenant is "the only way" for us to receive eternal life from God.
Why does God want to give us eternal life through the Passover then? It is because He wants to lead us to His kingdom where there is no death.
Rev 21:4 There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain.
Here we can learn that the Passover is God's truth leading us to heaven, our home of eternal life.
The Passover of Jesus Christ(Christ Ahnsahnghong) is our Father's gift and outstretched hand bringing us to our eternal home. Before our Father died on the cross, He gave us His most precious gift, eternal life, through the Passover. Take Christ's gift and keep the Passover.
Mt 7:21 Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
As we have studied, it is definitely God's will for us to keep the Passover. Only those who keep the Passover can enter the kingdom of heaven at the last day. 

Thanks to God the father, Christ Ahnsahnghong! God the Mother!

2012년 3월 20일 화요일

world mission society church of God(wmscog) "Loving thy neighbors by cleaning up"

world mission society church of God(wmscog)
 "Loving thy neighbors by cleaning up" 

From the beginning of the year, world mission society church of God(wmscog) has continued good deed such as clean up campaign and blood drive. The reason is loving the neighbors following the teaching of Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother and to practice the love of the Passover of the new covenat restored by the 2nd coming Christ Ahnsahnghong. So, I posted about passover previously, and next time, I'll post passover again and more deeply.
This is an article world mission society church of God(wmscog) below. 

Loving thy neighbors by cleaning up their waste
Volunteers with Charlotte church go layers deep into litter at West Boulevard and Remount Road

A darkened storefront on West Boulevard tells passersby it’s “All About Labor.”
Out back, the words have been brought to life.
Here on Sunday morning, just east of Remount Road, volunteers from the World Mission Society Church of God(wmscog) attacked an acre of brush and woods that can be best described as three parts active landfill and one part outdoor toilet.
Generations of drinkers and drug users have left a legacy of trash. The ground clinks with it. The air is rife with it. Several groups have taken one glimpse, one whiff and decided their community-service efforts were better directed elsewhere.
Working with the city of Charlotte, the World mission Society Church of God(wmscogdelegation waded right in. Working in blue T-shirts and vests, they filled hundreds of trash bags and hauled away everything from animal carcasses to refrigerator doors. The more they carted out, the more they found.
“I knew it was going to be bad, but we all hoped it would be better than this,” said church volunteer James Lindsay, hacking at the overgrowth with a machete.
“It’s sad to see people treat the earth this way,” said Allison Danley, a church member from north Charlotte. “This is disrespecting God.”
The Tyvola Road congregation took on the cleanup as part of a worldwide effort by its church. The 2,200 branches of the World mission Society Church of God(wmscog are performing community service to prepare themselves for the celebration of Passover on April 5.
Jack Kim, the Charlotte church’s missionary and coordinator of the event, said the morning offered members a chance for environmental awareness, “to cleanse our own souls,” and to love thy neighbor.

In this case, some of those neighbors aren’t much for litter laws and personal hygiene.
“There are more politically corrects terms we could use, but we’re talking about homeless vagrants and crackheads, and they are out here every day,” said Chris Lyon, a Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer assigned to the area.
The cleanup started at 9 a.m. About 70 volunteers showed up with 100 trash bags. At 9:30, they went out and bought 200 more.
By that time, 80-year-old David Moryas had seen the work on a TV newscast and driven over to help. Machete in one hand, the native of Kenya pointed at the nearby businesses.
“The shop owners should be participating,” he said, “so they can know what’s going on in their neighborhood, what their customers have done.”
At the nearby Jeman Express convenience store, Kay Aho was opening up.
Does the area have a problem with loiterers? “Ha, this is West Boulevard,” he said.
Asked if he knew what the church volunteers were doing, he retreated. “I work up here. I don’t know what goes on back there.”
Back there, two messages have been painted on the cinder block. No loitering. No p---ing. Based on available evidence, both have been ignored.
Lyon, who worked alongside the church volunteers, said police make arrests in the woods almost every day. The department and the city have also begun the legal process to get the owner of the vacant property to take more responsibility.
He looked around at the volunteers. “The church is great,” he said.
Nearby, a small mountain of filled trash bags had begun to emerge near West Boulevard. And still more came. Mattresses, furniture, tires and hundreds upon hundreds of bottles and cans. Lindsay tossed something heavy over a fence onto the back parking lot – the gas tank of a car.
Later in the morning, Vickie McClain sat on a rock to catch her breath.
“I’m from Charlotte, and I know West Boulevard. But I had no idea what was in those bushes,” she said. “Look at some of those bottles. They’ve got to be 30 years old.”
McClain looked at her watch: 11 a.m. An hour of work to go. She grabbed her bag and a picker, and headed back into the brush.

Christ Ahnsahnghong built World mission society church of God(wmscog) in 1964.

Thanks to God the father, Christ Ahnsahnghong! God the Mother!

2012년 3월 17일 토요일

Worldwide Clean up Campaign for the Passover 2012-World Mission Society Church of God (wmscog)

Recently, I posted about good deed of The World Mission Society Church of God (wmscog). Did you read many articles about them, didn't you? kkk 
The core of The World Mission Society Church of God (wmscog) is Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother. They always practice love and charity of  Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother. My posting is continued.... kkk

Worldwide Clean up Campaign for the Passover 2012 
-  World Mission Society Church of God(wmscog)

Worldwide Clean up Campaign for the Passover 2012  

The World Mission Society Church of God(wmscog) hols the "2012 Worldwide Environmental Cleanup Campaign for the Passover."
The purpose of this campaign is to practice the love of the Passover of the new covenat restored by the 2nd coming Christ Ahnsahnghong. And it is to inform people of the seriousness of global warming and environmental pollution and to draw their attention.

This campaign is being held over 2,200 places in 150 countries where the branches of the Church of God(wmscog) have been established.

2012년 3월 16일 금요일

world mission society church of God(wmscog-Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother)-Dozens took to the streets to make Atlanta more beautifu

World Mission Society Church of God(wmscog) conduct cleanup campaign in accordance with the teaching of Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother. They always say, "Thanks to Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother", "According to Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother's teaching, we try to be the light and salt of the world" 
As these good deed, they were awarded many times and proposed "friendship" from UN.
They conduct genuine love for neighborhood. 

Dozens took to the streets to make Atlanta more beautiful - world mission society church of God(wmscog)

Dozens took to the streets to make Atlanta more beautiful

Volunteers took advantage of Sunday's sunny weather to work on making Atlanta a little more beautiful.
Members of World Mission Society Church of God (wmscog)in Atlanta picked up 3,642 bags of trash Sunday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Two areas were cleaned by 110 volunteers. One is the stretch of Martin Luther King Jr. Drive nestled between Hamilton E. Holmes and Bolder Park Drives. The other was Pittman Park.

Both areas were recommended to the church by Chief Patrick Labat of the City of Atlanta's Department of Corrections.
Sunday's clean up is part of the church's worldwide movement. Members of World Mission Society of God(wmscog) take to the streets every year before Passover to clean up trash. There are 2,200 churches in 150 countries across the globe.

Christ Ahnsahnghong built World mission society church of God(wmscog) in 1964.

Thanks to God the father, Christ Ahnsahnghong! God the Mother!

2012년 3월 14일 수요일

wmscog(christ ahnsahnghong and God the Mother) - Church members continue the clean up

wmscog - Church members continue the clean up 

These days, I posted article of World Mission Society Church of God(wmscog). Because they do sincerely clean up campaign, volunteer work. I think they are real bright and salt of World! 
Let's see wmscog's good deed through article below~

WMSCOG - "Church members continue the clean up "
Date published: 13 March 2012

On Sunday 11 March, around 100 members of the World Mission Society Church of God(wmscog) gathered to clean up the footpath behind Bury Church of England High School.

Even though it was school area, there was a lot litter and flytipping.

The group have been to Bury to clean previously and Bury council recommended them to clean up this area.

Also from 6 March, around 100 members are also going to give blood to practice the love of Passover until the date of Passover (5 April) in many places of Greater Manchester including Bury. Around 2,200 places in 150 countries are doing this campaign together.

Members of the Church have cleaned up in other areas including Hyde, Bolton, Salford, Leigh, Prestwich and they plan to go everywhere their hands are needed.

It is to practice the love of the Passover of the new covenant, which was restored by Ahnsahnghong the Christ who came a second time and to cheer up the people.

Christ Ahnsahnghong built World mission society church of God(wmscog) in 1964.

Thanks to God the father, Christ Ahnsahnghong! God the Mother!

Church continues major Salford clean-up campaign- world mission society church of God(christ ahnsahnghong and God the Mother)

Church continues major Salford clean-up campaign- world mission society church of God(wmscog

Recently, world mission society church of God(wmscog) is reported very often. It is evidence they do really good deed? kkk ~I'm very impressive about their truly love for neighborhood. This is teaching of Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother!
Thanks to truly love of Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother!
The following is article!

Church continues major Salford clean-up campaign- world mission society church of God(wmscog)
   by Mark Bright

A local church congregation put on their gloves and set to work cleaning up rubbish in Ordsall.

A rubbish-strewn Robert Hall Road was the target for around 100 volunteers from the World Mission Society Church of God(wmscog).
The clean-up on Sunday 11th March took around two hours, with scores of binbags full of sweet wrappers, empty cans and general detritus being picked up.

The Church of God(wmscog) says that the purpose of the campaign is to “practice the love of the Passover of the new covenant, which was restored by Ahnsahnghong the Christ who came a second time,” for their 2012 Worldwide Environmental Cleanup campaign.

The campaign is to be carried out in about 2,200 places of 150 countries where the branches of the Church of God(wmscog) have been established; including the United Kingdom, United States, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The Church says that it will continue the campaign until April 5th 2012.

Another clean-up campaign is planned in Ordsall for 18th March.

Christ Ahnsahnghong built World mission society church of God(wmscog) in 1964.

Thanks to God the father, Christ Ahnsahnghong! God the Mother!

2012년 3월 13일 화요일

World Mission Society Church of God(Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother) held "The Worldwide Environmental Cleanup Campaign for the Passover"-wmscog

World Mission Society Church of God(Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother) held "The Worldwide Environmental Cleanup Campaign for the Passover"-wmscog

How often do you help others?always? sometimes? never?
To help others isn't easy. Try to do but does not.
World Mission Society Church of God(wmscog) try to help neigbors in accordance with Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother. Because World Mission Society Church of God(wmscog) only follows the teachings of the Bible and believes in the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother
For that reason they conduct many good deed.
They always say, "This is teaching of Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother" "Thanks to Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother"
The following is article about wmscog.

World Mission Society Church of God(wmscog) held "The Worldwide Environmental Cleanup Campaign for the Passover"
 “On March 4, 2012 the World Mission Society Church of God(wmscog) will held“The Worldwide Environmental Cleanup Campaign for the Passover" in commemoration of the Sacred Birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong. We are a worldwide organization which has 2200 Churches established in 150 countries who follow the teachings of God the Mother who brings joy and hope to mankind.

The World Mission Society Church of God (wmscog) located in Naperville participate in this event by cleaning the Country Lakes Park in Naperville, Illinois. Around 200 members of the Church of God who reside in greater Chicago areas even as far as Wisconsin and Indiana participated on this community service cleanup campaign.
This event was organized together with the Naperville Park District.

Christ Ahnsahnghong built World mission society church of God(wmscog) in 1964.

Thanks to God the father, Christ Ahnsahnghong! God the Mother!

2012년 3월 11일 일요일


 - wmscog(world mission society church of God)

Do you know king David? He is the second King of Ancient Israel. 
The king David represents Jesus Christ, God the father. And Christ Ahnsahnghong perfectly fulfilled the prophecy of the king David. But some people insist Christ Ahnsahnghong did not fulfilled the prophecy.
Let’s find that the arguments of the ones who deny Christ Ahnsahnghong are wrong.

The slanderers lie by insisting as follows:
“Ahnsahnghong did not fulfill the throne of King David. Ahnsahnghong was baptized in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1948 and He established world mission society Church of God(wmscog) in 1964. For 16 years, he followed the teachings of the false prophet in the false Church, so we cannot regard the 16 years as part of the fulfillment of the throne of King David. Therefore, Ahnsahnghong did not fulfill the throne of King David, so He is not the Second Coming Christ.”
Let’s find out how this insistence is false.
We must not insist on something that is not fact.
The ones who insist that do not know the history of the Church of God. Please do not trust the ones who consider the history of Christ Ahnsahnghong as a fantasy fiction.
The slanderers emphasized only the fact that Christ Ahnsahnghong belonged to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in order to deceive people by saying as if Christ Ahnsahnghong did not preach for 16 years before 1964.
However, Christ Ahnsahnghong even preached in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Is this true?
We can easily find it out through the publishing date of the book that Christ Ahnsahnghong wrote.
The book “Unsealing the Seven Thunders,” which points out the error of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and conveys a message to keep the Passover, was published in 1955 and “The Letter to the Laodicea Church” was published in 1960.
They were published even before 1964!
Therefore, it is wrong to insist that since Ahnsahnghong was a part of Seventh-day Adventist Church, he is not the King David who preached the new covenant.
It is not a coincidence that Ahnsahnghong started his gospel work from Seventh-day Adventist Church.

In the prophecy of seven churches (Rev Chapter 2-3), the Laodicea Church refers to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. However in the prophecy regarding the Laodicea Church, there is a prophecy that Jesus Himself will come and knock on the door.
Revelation 3:14-20 To the angel of the church in Laodicea write . . . “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” 
To fulfill this prophecy, Christ Ahnsahnghong started to preach the gospel not from the other churches but from the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Therefore, it is not true to say that he is not the King David since he started preaching from the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but this is another evidence tha t Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Second Coming Christ who fulfilled all the prophecies in the Bible and He is the spiritual King David who is to appear in the last days.
Hosea 3:5 Afterward the Israelites will return and seek the Lord their God and David their king. They will come trembling to the Lord and to his blessing in the last days. 

Christ Ahnsahnghong built World mission society church of God(wmscog) in 1964.

Thanks to Christ Ahnsahnghong! God the Mother